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 Post subject: Galaxy belt sander shaft mechanism
PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:22 pm 
Semi Newbie Contributor

Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:56 pm
Posts: 84
Location: Marin County

How many of you using Galaxy drum.
Bought it some years ago, it is a nice machine but the shaft system, system how the belt is stretched simply "sucks" .

This is one of those things one goes. What did they think when they were designing it. There is a bearing right the edge of the paper is.
When paper slide inside the bearing and the whole mechanism gets ruined.
Some kind of protective barrier would be nice.

I have used hummel , clarke and other drums, have sanded floors for 20 years and never had a problem like this.

I have replaced the mechanism on the Gallaxy BD12 once already, have to buy new part because I know it will brake soon.

Paper is adjusted correctly.
It has nothing to do with adjusting the paper.
I would sand 30/50 houses with no problem until I get the grinding sound one day.
It is obvious, moving parts right at the edge of the sanding paper.

I wonder how many of you own Galaxy, how many of you have this problem.
I would actually bet money that 99% of galaxy has this problem.

What makes me mad are the guys at Galaxy, simply saying all is fine, you should order new part. If it was a car , there would be a recall on it.

I am serious I have just called Galaxy and they said " we have never had this problem"

This is just simply lying.


Da Vinci Floors

Amish made hardwood

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