I have been sanding a lot of floors lately, I am tired of running the 8 inch.
I am planning to buy 12 inch drum sander.
Any experience? Is it a lot heavier to use, my knees are starting to give a bit those days

After 8 hours of walking with my 8 inch my legs a killing me.
I use 8 inch drum sander smaller that runs on 110 outlet, it is a little bit week. I could just buy 8 inch hummel , I think of 12" it is a lot heavier to handle? I mean to run it, I understand it it heavy to transport and I am OK with it.
I use trio so I do not mind slight chatter, trio will fix all that.
I am considering buying used machine.
I want something that does not need a lot of maintenance.
My old drum sander by clark, has been great for me. I bought is used from a rental and never had to maintenance it at all, it is unbelievable actually. Of course it chatters but with trio it does not matter.
I use my drums just to 60 grit , mostly to take off all the old finish and scratches, trio does the rest.
Thank you