Sheesh Gary, how can you say such things about us Canadians, lol. Seriously, the general consensus on the streets up here is that without you guys covering our ass, we would be overun by infidels.
Well, not Canadian floor installers. You guys are our brothers in arm.

But I spent yrs. traveling around in Canada and learned not to mention I was American. If I did, I got hammered about why the USA did this and why does the USA do that. Of course, that was many years ago. Hope things are different today. Canada has some of the best made hardwood flooring in the world. My comment to the OP was because I knew that guy. He's new here in the USA and from Eastern Europe and has a lot to learn. Made plenty of mistakes and couldn't see him buying another tool when his Bostitch just needed fixing. Let's face it, all these tools break down after awhile and need repairing. You don't buy a new tool just because the older one needs minor repair. Well, maybe some do. I don't know if the Primatech is good, poor or decent. I will say most new stuff is generally put on the market before it should be. It took Bostitch a few yrs to work out the bugs in the M111 FS. I'd bet Primatech is no different.