I attended an NWFA education session called "2020 Vision: Focusing on the Future" hosted by Jim Gould, Floor Covering Institute

It was a round table setup where the following attended.
1. Manufacturers
2. Distributors
3. Inspectors
4. Retailers
5. Dealers
6. Contractors
7- Others (me) Actually I'm a hybrid
The image below tells all for those that plan to be in this business the next 20-30 years.
The millennials will be your customers, and they're already having an impact

But the single most talked about issue was more regional accessibility for installers to attend technical training like the one in Marietta Georgia; the poster child. I mentioned a focused online referral service like Home Advisor that the NWFA could start. But it wasn't understood. Probably because these folks have been are the traditional mode and rely on the brick and mortar way of doing business. It was mentioned briefly though.
But for those that want to become more independent...watch the millenials. They don't want to go to a retailer, because as Jim said "they don't want to be sold something they don't want."